Dennis Di Giovanni

As the guiding force behind the emergency road servic industry, Dennis has been an advocate for all Towers,
especially those that service the auto club industry. He has sought to identify and honor those individuals who have likewise honored their industry through _ their bravery and professionalism. Since 1989 Dennis has sponsored the American Towman Medal for Heroism, the Festival Night and numerous educational seminars at the American Towing Exposition, all at no cost.

He supports continuing education and provides free seminars at leading tow shows throughout the country as a way to promote professionalism. He is always quick to provide substantial financial support for any worthwhile endeavor in our industry including the WTRAA scholarship fund and the Kids in Distress program. But the best description of Dennis DiGiovanni is told through a story of a west coast Tower who lost his life in the line of duty. When informed of this, Dennis immediately made a substantial cash donation to the widow and then went on to immediately organize a fund raising effort through a national advertising campaign for the surviving family members.

This undertaking was organized and executed by Dennis DiGiovanni without thought of reward or recognition. Dennis DiGiovanni has been a driving force in improving our industry through continuing. education. The honors he bestows on our industry heroes likewise honors us all for which we are eternally grateful. For a change, it is our pleasure to honor the one person who so routinely honors us all, Mr. Dennis DiGiovanni.

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